Would you be interested in working part time for Whitewater Warehouse this summer? It could be as little as 1-2 days or evenings per week. Another option with less of a commitment would be to help out from time to time during paddling events, say once or twice a month.
At this time we are specifically looking for a seasonal part time person available to work for a few hours during the day (from 1-4 pm) three days per week. We also need help on evenings and weekends either working in the store or working events where you could help fit customers with life jackets, help people launch their boats, or be support on the water.
Some people prefer to offer their help on a volunteer basis. I am collecting a list of people willing to help out during festivals and other events; or in any other capacity that you may want to offer.
If you could help us out this year, please complete this basic informational form at:
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